On Styrsö you can enjoy the magical beauty of the nature in Kosterhavet. Each season has new fascinating discoveries.
Nature on Styrsö – season by season
No matter how many times you come to Styrsö, you never tire of it. Nature keeps on doing its own thing, month after month, and is always showing a new side. This is a place to enjoy, let go of all your stress, and just drink in the surroundings.
During spring the whole island is in flower, and whichever way you turn you’ll see an abundance of cherry blossom, orchids, apple blossom, wild strawberries, wood anemones and blue anemones. The birds are singing non-stop and the swallows build their nests under the jetty.
During summer nature on Styrsö treats us to sunsets, glow-worms, mackerel, crabs and a profusion of beautiful greenery. The sloes are ripening and our in our forest you’ll also spot Creeping Lady’s-tresses orchids.
When the Swedish summer season is over and schools go back, from mid August, is one nature’s finest seasons. Autumn is the time for spectacular bioluminescent plankton (watch this fantastic film), starry nights, autumn storms and warm seas.
Even winter on Styrsö is really beautiful. You can enjoy frozen beaches, the stillness, mirror-like seas, winking lighthouses and clear starry nights.
Would you like to stroll around the island?
We’ve put together some information here about the hiking and strolling possibilities on Styrsö. The island is also a great place to go trail running.